Sunday, February 14, 2010


Tiffany and Noah came for dinner last night. It was a multi celebration, both their birthdays were in January and mine was a few days ago, what to cook??
I got a Kitchenaid standing mixer for my birthday, long overdue, in fact most of my 'cooky' friends can't believe I have not had one for years! My wonderful husband added Thomas Keller's 'Ad Hoc at home' to the birthday gift so I had to find something to use both of my new toys, and of course satisfy vegetarians and carnivores.
Leek Bread Pudding served with Slow Roasted Tomatoes was the answer.  Here is the tomato recipe as I cannot find link and it was pretty easy:

  • 12 plum tomatoes
  • few sprigs thyme
  • Half cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt & pepper
Heat oven to 200 degrees F.  Line baking tray with foil.  Skin tomatoes (he suggests coring then making a long cross on other end, worked really well) by plunging into boiling water; as soon as you see peel coming away put them into water bath to prevent cooking and cool enough to handle and peel.  Cut in half length ways. Put cut side up onto tray, drizzle oil over them, making sure oil goes into crevices in tomoatoes; scatter thyme and season.  Bake for 5 - 6 hours depending on size.  My tomatoes were pretty large so I did them for 6 hours and honestly, although they were delicious I think they might even have improved with more time.  Do not be tempted to over-season, the long cooking time concentrates the flavours. These will complement all kinds of dishes, we are planning to use the leftovers with some steal tonight.
The Leek bread pudding was absolutely delicious.  I could not find brioche or a pullman loaf the recipe called for, so used challah, which I have used before in bread pudding.  It was very light and pretty rich.  Only thing I would say is that, next time, I would prefer this as a smaller part of the meal rather than the star.  I also thought there could have been more leeks, recipe called for 2 cups, I would try 3 next time. And the last thing is that it is difficult to distribute the leeks evenly when you mix with the bread as per the recipe. I will add the leeks when you do the layers with the bread and cheese next time, I think, put a layer of leeks under the cheese.
I added some roasted vegetables and chicken thighs to the menu.  More of that in next post!

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